Training of HRYO Person with Disabilities Committee on Human Rights.

hryo Conferences

Training of HRYO Person with Disabilities Committee on Human Rights
The was first meeting Rights of Persons with Disabilities Committee HRYO along with training of trainer on universal declaration of human rights at Hotel Mehran karachi. Training was conducted by Central President Mr. Tanveer QaimKhani Human right youth organization with Ms. Erum Saaim Chairperson RPDC (P.W.D) Human Rights Youth Organization, Mr..Hamza Zulfiqar Chief Organization- HRYO on the topic of Universal Declaration of Human Rights of Youth Organization. Both sessions were attended by a large number of members. Further issues faced by PWDs was discussed in detail, how they can be resolved at earliest. Moreover plan was also made a part of discussion for the up coming international disable day event and how can it be made fruitful and result oriented. Altogether it was an outstanding and interactive session. We thank all the members who attended the event, and especially Erum Saaim chairperson RPDC (P.W.D) Human Rights Youth Organization who organized the event.